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Parish Giving


Your church


Your giving sustains the ministry in your parish, measured

by every:

  • sick person visited

  • parent, carer and child nurtured and supported at Noah’s Ark

  • bereaved family comforted

  • family welcomed and nurtured at Mossy Church

  • baptism and wedding celebrated

  • elderly person given companionship at the Tuesday Tea Club

  • person worshiping in different ways across the parish

  • person shown the love of Christ through our care, comfort and compassion


Your giving sustains our clergy and helps to train new clergy; it also sustains the three church buildings - St James, St Laurence, St Nicholas 


Your charitable giving sustains the mission here in your parish, in the wider community and in the rest of the UK and overseas for people we may never meet but to whom we can give practical support through your giving.


Our challenge


Continuing our ministry and mission is only possible through the dedicated commitment of time, skills, energy and financial support.


Our three churches need £8,500 per month (or £1,950 each week) to sustain the ministry, clergy, buildings and mission.


This is how much we need to spend each month:

£5,800   on our share of clergy costs - stipend, housing, training etc

£1,100   on our buildings - insurance, heat, light etc

£1,100   on worship and ministry - for our congregation and wider community

£500       on ministry and mission


Therefore, to meet these commitments each month we need:

£5,600     from regular congregational giving

£1,400     from HMRC for Gift Aided giving and donations

£750        from fees - weddings, funerals etc

£750        from fundraising and other income streams


Your choice


Our parish has 140 members on the Electoral Roll, our planned giving programme has 63 members


Is it time for you to join the Parish Giving Scheme?


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Donate via our Give A Little page


As it's not currently possible to make a donation in

church each week via the plate or Gift Aid envelope we

have set up an online giving page to enable you to make donations using your debit or credit card.  Visit our givealittle page to make a donation now. 


If you would prefer to donate by bank transfer or by cheque please send your donation to:


Bank:                         Co-operative Bank

Sort code:                 08-92-99

Account number:    67234165

Account name:        PCC of Pangbourne with Tidmarsh & Sulham


or send a cheque made out to the above account to The PCC Treasurer, c/o 16 Briars Close, Pangbourne RG8 7LH

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This parish is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of the children and people of all ages in our church community.  The parish Safeguarding Policy can be seen here.  Further information and contact details are on our Safeguarding page.

Church Office, Pangbourne Village Hall,  Pangbourne  RG8 7AN

Open: Tuesday and Friday 12-3pm



Tel:       0118 984 5066

The Parish of Pangbourne with Tidmarsh and Sulham Registered charity number 1127943

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